Exit 8

Exit 8 You will take part in a unique journey through the bowels of a forgotten subway station. This adventure, combining simulated wandering and psychological thrills, takes you to the heart of an obscure maze, flirting with the frontiers of the unreal. You wander alone through this lonely space, where each step echoes of vanished freedom, marking a struggle against confinement and abandonment. The corridors, bathed in an ominous darkness, gradually reveal their enigmatic nature, inviting you to scrutinize the unusual. In the face of these mysteries, your sense of observation is your best ally, discerning the signals of a world that is tipping surreptitiously into the strange. This game stands out for the finesse of its universe, where every detail contributes to total immersion, combining the familiarity of a common place with ethereal elements. Exit 8 invites you on an introspective odyssey, a path littered with secrets to reveal and reflections on the essence of your fears. Ready to face the shadows? Enjoy!

